Praise for The Bling Dynasty

“China's volatile demand for luxury has left industry executives scratching their heads. How much longer will anti-corruption measures weigh on sales? Are Chinese becoming more value-driven as they travel more and more sophisticated? Ultimately, how should global luxury brands set their pricing, supply, store openings, and digital strategy to capture Chinese consumers? The Bling Dynasty is an insightful read for luxury managers, consultants, and anyone who wants to understand consumption trends and China's role in shaping them. As a former marketing manager in the industry, author Erwan Rambourg understands how the brands operate inside and out. As a co-head of global consumer and retail equity research at HSBC, he has taken his analytic depth to his first book, filling it with interesting numbers and interviews with executives. Mr. Rambourg has a unique background as a Frenchman growing up in the U.S. and being based in Hong Kong for the past four years has given him a front-seat view of how the Chinese consumers operate and a broad perspective of the often opaque global world of luxury.”

—Wei Gu, Wall Street Journal editor for China wealth and luxury

The Bling Dynasty puts doubters of China's appetite for luxury goods to the back of the queue. Erwan Rambourg's clever use of avatars to portray the true nature and extent of the huge desire for luxury goods in China makes this informative but also easy read. It is a must for anyone hoping to understand ...

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