
Suzanne Burns, my publicist and executive administrator, edited this book from the transcripts to my audio program of the same name. Many others helped in the process, not the least of whom was Nerissa, my life partner, who took care of the critters so I could focus on creating this book. I have many inner circle supporters in my life, a few of whom include Pat O'Bryan, Craig Perrine, Bill Hibbler, Rick and Mary Barrett, Brad Marcus, and Victoria Belue Schaefer. I also want to thank Peter Wink and Theresa Pushkar for their help in creating the course. There's a long list of prosperity teachers who have influenced me, including Reverend Ike, Catherine Ponder, Joseph Murphy, Edwene Gaines, Eric Butterworth, Charles Fillmore, Elizabeth Towne, William Walker Atkinson, Robert Collier, Neville Goddard, Vernon Howard, Stuart Wilde, Terri Cole Whittaker, and Bob Proctor. Many spiritual teachers have also helped, including Rajneesh, Bryon Katie, David Hawkins, and Dr. Hew Len. I also want to thank the fine people at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., particularly Matt Holt, for believing in me and publishing my recent books. If I've forgotten anyone instrumental in creating this book, please forgive me. I am grateful for all of you, including you, the reader. Without you, this book wouldn't be necessary. Please enjoy it, and live long and prosper. Onward to our awakening!

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