10PR: Creating a Storm and Building Momentum

PR is a pivotal part of both fundraising and overall startup success. Done right, PR is the ultimate guerrilla warfare tool for startups. Executed poorly, it can cost you the movement you need.

How do you create the storm that propels your fundraising efforts, and your startup's valuation potential?

The Rainmaker Code

There are three keys to successfully creating a PR storm that can bring the funding your startup needs:

  1. Timing
  2. Synergy
  3. Efficiency


Timing is critical for startups, but often not for the reasons entrepreneurs think. Too many are consumed with the hunger to be noticed and succeed overnight. But for those who are focused, it's actually easy to make a massive PR splash without straining your cash stores. Show some know-how and smart creativity—many serious investors love being among the first to know about and jump in on a savvy investment opportunity.


All PR has to have synergy, with a mapped out fundraising and growth plan, and your communications have to sing the heart of the brand. Make sure all PR is woven with your messaging and branding, and will resonate with your prospective investors and early adopters. Proper planning includes being seen in the right places, being mentioned by the right people, and in the right contexts.


Although getting noticed and gaining steam are critical parts of fundraising and business growth, both have to be done efficiently and cost effectively. Looking too ...

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