EPILOGUE: New Beginnings

"In the beginning was the Word... ."

The King James Bible, John 1:1

Jill Smith was a longtime colleague of mine with a history very familiar to me. We have spent many hours working through the destructive communication patterns she had turned into habits over the years. She is on the road to personal recovery. A couple of years ago she left the job described in her story, and her cast members have changed. She is writing a new script now, with coworkers she respects, and has an attitude of collective productivity. Through persistence and application of learned strategies and principles, we have broken through the enemy's stronghold and figured out its primary weakness: our ability to use thoughts and words as our tool of victory. No longer can the tactics of self-doubt, victimization, and self-centeredness be the primary ingredients of our daily interactions in the workplace. We understand the primary objective: to use the power of thoughts and words to create a workplace communication climate that is supportive, productive, and nurturing for ourselves and others. We have armed ourselves with knowledge. This knowledge plus action equals power! You are now equipped with the tools of victory. You are gaining control of your Intrapersonal Communication by understanding how it sets the foundation for all other communication experiences, including how your life movie plays out. You know that your Interpersonal Communication is a direct reflection of yourself through ...

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