

Abel, Scott, 16

Abstract language, 124

Action, 89

Action plan, 113

Active voice, 126–127

Adapt, 168

ADDIE process, 33, 43

Adobe Captivate, 34, 70

Adobe Presenter, 34

Advertising campaigns, 159

Aesthetics, 27


action, 89

attention, 88

definition of, 87–88

desire, 89

interest, 88

as sequence, 89–90

Allen, Michael, xiii, 33, 43, 91–92

Allen Interactions, 47

An Inconvenient Truth, 99

Animation, 147–148

ARCS Model of Motivational Design, 82, 85


inquiry, 85–86

perceptual, 83–85

Art, design and, 25–30

Articulate Studio, 34, 57, 70, 182

Asking questions, of subject matter experts, 46–48

Atkinson, Cliff, 130

Atleson, Jonathan, 10

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