Chapter 8


Tying It All Together

1. Applying Fishbowl’s 7 Non-Negotiables to Achieve Hard Results
2. Seven Weeks to Hard Results
3. Remain Hungry for New Experiences and Opportunities to Learn
4. Great Companies Are Led by Missionaries, Not Mercenaries
5. Lead the Way to a New Organization

Applying Fishbowl’s 7 Non-Negotiables to Achieve Hard Results

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.

—Colin L. Powell

Congratulations! You have completed your initial trek through the 7 Non-Negotiables. You might be wondering what comes next. Where do the Non-Negotiables lead?

To assist you in applying all that you have learned we have provided you with a list of work-related examples that demonstrate how a Soft Trait is tied to a Hard Result.

Using Fishbowl’s own 7 Non-Negotiables as an example, we will show you how we’ve mapped our own Non-Negotiables into specific and deliverable results. You can use this format as a template to define your own non-negotiables. Then, the balance of this chapter will provide you with examples and stories of other companies and individuals who have led out in a similar fashion with their own defining Soft Traits, as well.

Let’s get started.

1. Respect
Soft Trait: Putting people before profit. Creating an environment where people govern themselves.
Hard Result: A meaningful and inspiring ...

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