

abaci schools, 26

actuarial science, 141142

actuaries, 34, 49, 61, 141, 177

adverse selection, 67

age, and human capital, 111

aging, and mortality, 49

AIG, 124, 126

Al-Kwarizimi, Muhammed, 19

Alexandrov, Pavel Sergeyich, 173

Allen, Robert, 96

Alliance Assurance Company, 52

American College, 132

American Economics Association, 95, 123

American Society of Actuaries (SoA), 141

annuities, 4, 167

see also Halley's equation; pensions and adverse selection, 67

annuity puzzle, 146147

for de-accumulation of wealth, 146

French treasury, 54

and group pricing, 68

proper pricing and valuation, 54

Solomon Huebner, 144147

annuity factor tables, 66

annuity puzzle, 146147

Armstrong, William, 126

Aryabhatiya, 175

asset allocation equation. See Samuelson's equation

Astronomical Society, 52

Austen, Jane, 67, 145


baby boomers, 2

Bailey, Francis, 141

Bank of England, 7273, 72f

Becker, Gary, 110

Bengen, William, 8182

Bernstein, Peter, 177

Bismarck, Otto von, 6

Black, Fischer, 177

Black Thursday, 99

Bodie, Zvi, 107, 116, 119

bond market, 6566

Breslau, Poland, 55, 69

bubble tendencies, 98

buy-term-and-invest-the-difference (BTID) philosophy, 143144


cafeteria Keynesian, 122

calculus, 159

capital asset pricing model (CAPM) equation, 177

Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street (Bernstein), 177

capital market, 85

causes of death, 49

centenarians, 48, 4950

see also Gompertz ...

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