
Kevin Hogan

Special thanks are in order for Matt Holt, our editor at Wiley.

Writing a book always takes you away from the people who want to be in your space the most. So for Katie, Mark, and Jessica, thank you for putting up with #18.

Michelle Drum, Jennifer Battaglino, Lisa McLellan, Ken Owens, and Mark Ryan all make my life better and are often sources of ideas and support. Thanks guys.

A special tip of the hat to my dear friends Scott and Carmen Schluter and Devin and Rachel Hastings.

And of course to my co-authors without whom this book would have been much shorter—they are fabulous!

Dave Lakhani

I'd like to thank every person who has ever listened to me speak and who has been moved to action. The thousands of letters, e-mails, and phone calls I get every year makes writing books like this a joy.

I'd also like to thank Matt Holt whose great insights and willingness to take chances makes writing for him a joy.

Kevin and Mollie, writing with you has been an exceptional experience. You've both challenged me to be a better writer and to dig deeper and share more. You are both an inspiration to me.

Finally, no acknowledgment would ever be complete without thanking my wife and daughter who exemplify one of my core beliefs about success. Without their support success wouldn't be nearly as sweet.

Mollie Marti

My gratitude starts with Monte, Nate, Alaina, and Erin, who truly get my need to write and do the work I do. You know I've got your back as you pursue your own passions. Your ...

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