Chapter 14. Change

$5 + 10 CHF = $10 if rate is 2:1$5 + $5 = $10Return Money from $5 + $5Bank.reduce(Money)Reduce Money with conversionReduce(Bank, String)

Change is worth embracing (especially if you have a book out with “embrace change” in the title). Here, however, we are thinking about a much simpler form of change—we have two francs and we want a dollar. That sounds like a test case already:

public void testReduceMoneyDifferentCurrency() {
					Bank bank= new Bank();
					bank.addRate("CHF", "USD", 2);
					Money result= bank.reduce(Money.franc(2), "USD");
					assertEquals(Money.dollar(1), result);

When I convert francs to dollars, I divide by two. (We're still studiously ignoring all of those nasty numerical problems.) We can make the bar ...

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