Chapter 13. Make It

$5 + 10 CHF = $10 if rate is 2:1$5 + $5 = $10

We can't mark our test for $5 + $5 done until we've removed all of the duplication. We don't have code duplication, but we do have data duplication—the $10 in the fake implementation:

					Money reduce(Expression source, String to) {
   return Money.dollar(10);

is really the same as the $5 + $5 in the test:

public void testSimpleAddition() {
					Money five= Money.dollar(5);
					Expression sum=;
					Bank bank= new Bank();
					Money reduced= bank.reduce(sum, "USD");
					assertEquals(Money.dollar(10), reduced);

Before when we've had a fake implementation, it has been obvious how to work backward to the real implementation. It simply has been a matter of replacing ...

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