Resolving AWT saturation

AWTs are the smallest unit of work in Teradata. These are the tasks or execution threads inside of each AMP that get the database work done, such as executing a query step once the step is dispatched to the AMP. Each AMP has up to 80 AMP worker tasks available to them. AWTs can be increased from 80 if required, based on requirements and the size of the system.

Each request executing on a system may require more than 1 AWT to complete. Utilities tend to use more AWT per AMP because of their design. For example, a Fastload needs 3 AMP worker tasks in the first phase and one AMP worker task in the second phase. 

AWT, are very critical and are always in demand, below is the break up of 80 AMP worker tasks:

  • 24 AWTs are ...

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