There's more...

The system automatically records AWT usage in the ResUsageSAWT table. There are several columns in the table that help to analyze and plot graphs against AWT and flow control usage over a period of time.

Table carries both history values and point in time snapshots, carrying two sets of information:

  • AMP worker task usage. In-use counts as well as maximum in-use count of each message work type on each AMP.
  • Message Queue depth.
  • Flow control metrics.

Following code gives details from resusage table.

***ResUsageSAWT**SELECTextract(hour from thetime),extract(minute from thetime),VprID,FlowControlled (decimal (8,0))---flowcontrol indicator,FlowCtlCnt (decimal (8,0)) --number of time system went into flowcontrol in 10 min,MailboxDepth ...

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