How to do it...

  1. Connect to the Teradata Database via SQLA or Studio.
  2. Create the following MLOAD script and save it on the local desktop: 
/*UPSERT script*/.LOGTABLE Restart_log_ml;.LOGON,password;.BEGIN IMPORT MLOAD TABLES td_cookbook_nyse.mktprice;.LAYOUT Inputfile_layout; /* Definition of input layout */.FIELD in_symbol * VARCHAR(25);.FIELD in_id * varchar(10);.FIELD in_open_share * VARCHAR(30);.DML LABEL Fix_Price DO INSERT FOR MISSING UPDATE ROWS;/*Definitionofan UPSERT*/  UPDATE td_cookbook_nyse.mktprice SET open_share = :in_open_share WHERE symbol = :in_symbol and id=:in_id; INSERT INTO td_cookbook_nyse.mktprice VALUES (:in_symbol,in_id,:in_open_share);.IMPORT INFILE C:\Users\AK\Desktop\CookBook\Price_match.txt ...

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