How to do it...

The following are the steps for identifying suspect queries:

  1. Connect to the Teradata system using SQLA or Studio.
  2. Execute the following query:
SEL Logdate , Hr (TITLE 'Hour'), Wrkld as WorkloadName, SUM(CPU) as TotalCPU FROM ( SEL logdate , EXTRACT(HOUR FROM LogonDateTime) AS Hr , b.RuleName AS Wrkld ,CASE WHEN TotalIOCount = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ((AMPCPUTime+Parsercputime) * 1000)/TotalIOCount END AS "PJI", CASE WHEN (AMPCPUTime + Parsercputime) =0 THEN 0   ELSE (TotalIOCount) / ((AMPCPUTime + Parsercputime) * 1000) END AS "UII", CASE WHEN ((AMPCPUTime+Parsercputime) / (HASHAMP()+1)) =0 THEN 0 ELSE ( 1 - (AmpCPUTime / (HASHAMP()+1))/NULLIFZERO(MaxAmpCPUTime)) END AS "CPU_skew" , CASE WHEN (TotalIOCount / (HASHAMP()+1)) =0 THEN ...

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