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The new table to store stats information is DBC.StatsTbl. Running explain on collect statistics will show you the use of these tables:

4) We compute the table-level summary statistics from spool 5 andsave them into Spool 6, which is built locally on a single AMPderived from the hash of the table id.5) We lock DBC.StatsTbl for write on a RowHash.6) We do a Single AMP MERGE Update to DBC.StatsTbl from Spool 5 (LastUse) by way of a RowHash match scan.7) We do a Single AMP MERGE Update to DBC.StatsTbl from Spool 6 (LastUse) by way of a RowHash match scan.8) We spoil the statistics cache for the table, view or query.9) We spoil the parser's dictionary cache for the table.10) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs ...

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