How to do it...

  1. Connect to Teradata using SQLA or Studio.
  2. Find the size of tables in the system using the following query. The output will contain databasename, tablename, and the size of the table with skew; it can be seen in the following code:
/*Find table size*/SELECT  B.databasename , B.TableName , SUM ( currentperm ) ( NAMED CurrentPerm ) ,MAXIMUM ( currentperm ) ( NAMED MaxPerm ) , AVG ( currentperm ) ( NAMED AvgPerm ) ,( ( MAXIMUM ( currentperm ) - AVG ( currentperm )  ) * 100.0  ) / ( MAXIMUM ( currentperm )  ) ( NAMED SkewPercent ) 
FROM    dbc.tablesize B INNER JOIN DBC.TABLES A 
GROUP   BY 1 , 2 
ORDER   BY 1 , 2 ;

Following is the output of the query.

  1. Based on the size of ...

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