There's more…

Be sure to run the preceding script from the command line:

$ python3

Run the command: $tensorboard --logdir="tensorboard"   Then navigate to
Generation 10 of 100. Train Loss: 20.4, Test Loss: 20.5.
Generation 20 of 100. Train Loss: 17.6, Test Loss: 20.5.
Generation 90 of 100. Train Loss: 20.1, Test Loss: 20.5.
Generation 100 of 100. Train Loss: 19.4, Test Loss: 20.5.

We'll then run the preceding specified command to start Tensorboard:

$ tensorboard --logdir="tensorboard"
Starting TensorBoard b'29' on port 6006
(You can navigate to

Here is a sample of what we can see in Tensorboard:

Figure 1: The scalar value, our slope estimate, visualized in Tensorboard.

Here, we can see ...

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