

  1. abs function, 36
  2. accumulation, momentum algorithm, 7576
  3. activation functions
    1. classifier functions, 126127
    2. overview, 121, 123124
    3. rectifier functions, 124126
    4. saturation, 136137
    5. training with backpropagation, 129
  4. activation parameter, 157, 185
  5. activation_fn parameter, 138, 144, 145, 147
  6. activity_regularizer parameter, 157
  7. AdagradOptimizer class, 7677
  8. AdamOptimizer class, 7778
  9. adaptive gradient algorithm, 7677
  10. add function, 36
  11. add_event method, 60, 6162
  12. add_graph method, 60, 62
  13. add_loss method, 185
  14. add_meta_graph method, 61, 62, 85
  15. add_meta_graph_and_variables function, 85, 86
  16. add_n function, 36
  17. add_run_metadata method, 61
  18. add_session_log method, 61
  19. add_summary method, 60, 61, 64, 8990
  20. add_to_collection method, 47
  21. add_to_collections method, 47
  22. add_update method, 185
  23. add_variable method, 185
  24. adjust_brightness function, 169, 170
  25. adjust_contrast function, 169, 170, 175
  26. adjust_gamma function, 169, 170
  27. adjust_hue function, 169, 170
  28. adjust_saturation function, 169, 170
  29. Advanced Package Tool (APT), 20
  30. after_create_session method, 91
  31. after_run method, 91, 92
  32. allocator_type field, 238
  33. allow_growth field, 237, 238
  34. allow_soft_placement option, 227
  35. AlphaGo program, Google, 1, 129
  36. app group, gcloud, 282
  37. apply_regularization function, 141
  38. arg_scope function, 143, 147
  39. argmax function, 37, 38
  40. argmin function, 37, 38
  41. args field, 301
  42. argument scope, 143
  43. arrays. See tensors
  44. artificial neural networks (ANNs). See neural networks
  45. as_cluster_def method, 270
  46. as_default method, 46

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