5.3. Graphing a Function by Calculator

We can quickly graph a function with a graphing calculator. The steps are

  1. From the menu, select the FUNC or mode.

  2. Enter the function.

  3. Set the viewing window.

  4. Graph.

We will show these steps using the equation from Example 6. The screens shown will be for the TI-83/84, but are essentially the same for the TI-89.

screen for the TI-83/84.

screen for the TI-89.

Example 9:

Graph the function y = x2 − 4x − 3.


  1. (1) We enter the function by first pressing the key, screen (1). Enter the function on the first line. Note that there is room for several functions, but for now we will just enter one.

  2. (2) Next set the viewing window by pressing the key. You will get a screen that looks something like screen (2). Here Xmin and Xmax give the left and right ...

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