

9-to-1 up volume days, 163

10-to-1 up volume days, 163

17- and 18-year alternating cycles, 182-183

30-week moving averages, 171

80/60 rule, 172


absolute breadth indexes, 156


factor, 294

trend lines, 268

accumulation, 452

accuracy of cycles, 487

ACD methods, 422

acetylcholine, 94

action points, one-box reversals, 377

Active Trader Magazine, 191, 264

Adaptive Markets Hypothesis (2005), 16

adaptive stops, 607

advances, 145, 150-152

advance-decline lines, 146

advance-decline ratios, 157

advisory opinions, 109-110

ADX filters, 585

ADX lines, 323

AIG, 29

all or none (AON), 639

alpha method, 552

alternation, 519

American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), 110

American depository receipts (ADRs), 146

American Stock ...

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