
Project Editor

Jade L. Williams

Acquisitions Editor

Jody Lefevere

Copy Editor

Kim Heusel

Technical Editor

Namir Shammas

Editorial Manager

Robyn Siesky

Business Manager

Amy Knies

Sr. Marketing Manager

Sandy Smith

Editorial Assistant

Laura Sinise


Allan Conley

Linda Cook

Paul Gilchrist

Jennifer Guynn

Book Design

Kathie Rickard

Production Coordinator

Lynsey Stanford


Andrea Hornberger

Jennifer Mayberry


Ronda David-Burroughs

Cheryl Grubbs

Screen Artist

Jill A. Proll


Lynda D'Arcangelo

Quality Control

Jessica Kramer


Sherry Massey

Vice President and Executive Group Publisher

Richard Swadley

Vice President and Publisher

Barry Pruett

Composition Director

Debbie Stailey

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