View and Subscribe to a Calendar on Office Online

If someone else invites you to access a calendar on Office Online, you can easily do so. Outlook gives you the option of simply previewing the calendar in your Web browser or subscribing to the calendar, meaning that when the original version of the calendar is updated, those updates are reflected in your version as well.

View and Subscribe to a Calendar on Office Online

Preview a Calendar

In Mail, click the message in the message list that contains the invitation to view the calendar on Office Online. The message containing the invitation appears in the reading pane.
Click Preview this Calendar. You are prompted to confirm that you want to view the calendar in your Web browser.
Click Yes. Note: You are prompted to log in to Windows Live; supply the e-mail address and password you supplied when you created your account. If you do not have a Windows Live account, click the Sign Up for a Free Account link and follow the on-screen instructions to create one. The calendar is displayed in your Web browser.

Subscribe to a Calendar

In Mail, click the message in the message list that ...

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