

history [option] [arg...]

Perform operations using the history list, a list of recently executed commands. Command events can be indicated using a number or a string that matches the command itself.


The same as history info.

history add command [exec]

Add command to history list, optionally executing it.

history change newValue [event]

Change command in history list to newValue. If event is not specified, use current event.

history clear

Clear the history list and reset event numbers.

history event [event]

Return an event. Default is event −1.

history info [count]

Return formatted list of history commands and event numbers. Return the last count events, or all if count is not specified.

history keep [count]

Change the maximum size of the history list to count. If count is omitted, return the current history size limit.

history nextid

Return the next event number.

history redo [event]

Execute a command from the history list. If event not specified, uses event −1.

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