

tixDisplayStyle itemType [-stylename styleName] [-refwindow refWindow] [option value...]

Create a new display item style of type itemType. The name of the new style will be styleName, if specified. Otherwise, a unique name is generated and returned. Valid Options are those defined for the chosen display item type.

If refWindow is specified, the default values for the style will be taken from the matching options of the window refWindow. Note that refWindow need not exist; however, any options specified for it in the Tk resource database will be used. If refWindow is omitted, the main window is used.

A new Tix object is created with the same name as the style (i.e., styleName). This object has the following methods:

styleName cget option

Return the current value of the configuration option Option for the display style.

styleName configure [Option [value [option value...] ] ]

Query or modify the configuration options of the display style in the same manner as the standard widget configure method.

styleName delete

Destroy the display style object.

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