

tixVStack pathname [option value...]

The tixVStack command creates a new tixVStack mega-widget named path-Name. The tixVStack class is derived from the tixPrimitive class. It serves as a virtual base class for tixNoteBook-style mega-widgets.

Widget-Specific Options

-dynamicgeometry boolean (dynamicGeometry, DynamicGeometry)

Whether the tixVStack should dynamically resize to match the size of the current page. The default is false, in which case the size of the tix-VStack will match the size of the largest page.

-ipadx amount (ipadX, Pad)

Amount of internal horizontal padding around the sides of the page subwidgets.

-ipady amount (ipadY, Pad)

Amount of internal vertical padding around the sides of the page subwidgets.



The frame widget of a notebook page as returned by the add method.


pathName add pageName [option value...]

Add a new page to the tixVStack named pageName. The pathName of the page’s master frame widget is Returned. Available options are:

-createcmd tclCommand

Command to be called the first time a page is to be displayed.

-raisecmd tclCommand

Command to be called whenever the page is raised by the user.

pathName delete pageName

Delete the given page from the tixVStack.

pathName pagecget pageName option

Similar to the cget method, but operates on the page pageName. Option may have any of the values accepted by the add method.

pathName pageconfigure pageName [option value...]

Similar to the configure method, but operates on the page pageName. Option may ...

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