

tixTree pathname [option value...]

The tixTree command creates a new tixTree mega-widget named pathName. The tixTree class is derived from the tixVTree class. It provides a display of hierarchical data in a tree form. The user can adjust the view of the tree by opening (expanding) or closing (collapsing) parts of the tree.

Widget-Specific Options

-browsecmd tclCommand (browseCmd, BrowseCmd)

Command to call whenever the user browses an entry (usually by a single click). The pathName of the entry is appended as an argument.

-closecmd tclCommand (closeCmd, CloseCmd)

Command to call whenever an expanded entry needs to be closed. The pathName of the entry is appended as an argument. The default action is to hide all child entries of the specified entry.

-command tclCommand (command, Command)

Command to call whenever the user activates an entry (usually by a double click). The pathName of the entry is appended as an argument.

-ignoreinvoke Boolean (ignoreInvoke, IgnoreInvoke)

If true, an entry is not expanded or collapsed when the entry is activated. The default is false.

-opencmd tclCommand (openCmd, OpenCmd)

Command to call whenever an expanded entry needs to be opened. The pathName of the entry is appended as an argument. The default action is to show all child entries of the specified entry.



The tixHList mega-widget that displays the tree. Entries to the tree are added directly to the hlist subwidget using its add method.


The horizontal scrollbar widget.


The vertical ...

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