

tixFileEntry pathName [option value...]

The tixFileEntry command creates a new tixFileEntry mega-widget named pathName. The tixFileEntry class is derived from the tixLabel-Widget class. It provides an entry box for a user to enter a filename, along with a button that will pop up a file selection dialog.

The tixFileEntry supports two selection modes with the -selectmode option. When the mode is immediate, the current value is changed immediately when the user enters a keystroke. When the mode is normal, the current value is not changed until the user presses the Return key.

Widget-Specific Options

-activatecmd tclCommand (activateCmd, ActivateCmd)

Command to call when user activates the button subwidget. This command is called before the file dialog is popped up.

-command tclCommand (command, Command)

Command to call when the current value of the tixFileEntry is changed. The filename is appended as an argument.

-dialogtype dialogClass (dialogType, DialogType)

The type of file selection dialog that should be popped up when the user invokes the button subwidget. Valid values are tixFileSelectDialog and tixExFileSelectDialog.

-disablecallback boolean (disableCallback, DisableCallback)

Whether callbacks (-command) are disabled.

-disabledforeground color (disabledForeground, DisabledForeground)

Foreground color for entry subwidget when the tixFileEntry is disabled.

-filebitmap bitmap (fileBitmap, FileBitmap)

Bitmap to display in the button subwidget.

-label string (label, Label)

String to ...

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