

tixBalloon pathName [option value...]

The tixBalloon command creates a new tixBalloon mega-widget named pathName. The tixBalloon class is derived from the tixShell class. A tixBalloon widget can be bound to one or more widgets so that when the mouse cursor is inside the target widget, a window pops up with a descriptive message. In addition, a message can be displayed in a connected status bar.

Widget-Specific Options

-initwait milliseconds (initWait, InitWait)

How long the balloon should wait after the mouse cursor enters an associated widget before popping up the balloon message. If the mouse cursor leaves the widget before this time has elapsed, no message is popped up.

-state state (state, State)

Which help messages should be displayed. Valid values for state are both (balloon and status bar), balloon (balloon only), status (status bar only), and none (display no message).

-statusbar pathName (statusBar, StatusBar)

Which widget to use as the status bar of the balloon. Any widget that supports a -text configuration option can be a status bar.



The label widget containing the arrow bitmap in the pop-up window.


The message widget that shows the descriptive message in the pop-up window.


pathName bind window [option value...]

Arrange for the tixBalloon widget to be invoked when the mouse pointer enters the widget window. The available options are as follows:

-balloonmsg string

String to show in the pop-up window.

-statusmsg string

String to show on the status ...

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