

font operation [arg arg...]

The font command provides several facilities for defining named fonts and inspecting their attributes. If the window system does not have a font that matches the requested attributes, Tk makes a best guess. The following operations are supported:

font actual font [-displayof window] [option]

Return information on the actual attributes that are obtained when font is used on window’s display. If option is specified, only the value of that attribute is returned. Otherwise, a list of all attributes and their values is returned.

font configure fontName [option [value[option value...] ] ]

Query or modify the desired attributes for the named font fontName in the same manner as the general widget configure method. The available attribute options are as follows:

-family name

The case-insensitive font family name. The families Courier, Times, and Helvetica are guaranteed to be supported on all platforms.

-size size

The desired size for the font in points (or pixels if size is negative).

-weight weight

The thickness of the characters in the font. Weight may be normal (the default) or bold.

-slant slant

How characters in the font are slanted away from the vertical. Slant may be roman (the default) or italic.

-underline boolean

Whether characters in font should be underlined. Default is false.

-overstrike boolean

Whether a horizontal line is drawn through the middle of the characters of the font. Default is false.

font create [fontName] [option value...] ] ]

Create a new named ...

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