Group Listing of Functions

Note that a few of these routines are implemented as macros for the sake of efficiency, but logically they behave the same as functions.


XSetWindowAttributes *Tk_Attributes(Tk_Window tkwin) void Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes *attsPtr) XWindowChanges *Tk_Changes(Tk_Window tkwin) Tk_Uid Tk_Class(Tk_Window tkwin) void Tk_ConfigureWindow(Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned int valueMask, XWindowChanges *valuePtr) Tk_Window Tk_CoordsToWindow(int rootX, int rootY, Tk_Window tkwin) Tk_Window Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, char *pathName, char *screenName) Tk_Window Tk_CreateWindow(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window parent, char *name, char *screenName) int Tk_Depth(Tk_Window tkwin) void Tk_DestroyWindow(Tk_Window tkwin) char *Tk_DisplayName(Tk_Window tkwin) Display Tk_Display(Tk_Window tkwin) void Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(Tk_Window tkwin, GC gc, int width, Drawable drawable) char *Tk_GetAtomName(Tk_Window tkwin, Atom atom) GC Tk_GetGC(Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long valueMask, XGCValues *valuePtr) int Tk_GetNumMainWindows(void) Tk_Uid Tk_GetOption(Tk_Window tkwin, char *name, char *className) void Tk_GetRootCoords(Tk_Window tkwin, int *xPtr, int *yPtr) void Tk_GetVRootGeometry(Tk_Window tkwin, int *xPtr, int *yPtr, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr) int Tk_Height(Tk_Window tkwin) Tk_Window Tk_IdToWindow(Display *display, Window window) Atom Tk_InternAtom(Tk_Window tkwin, char *name) int Tk_IsContainer(Tk_Window ...

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