
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


37signals Highrise app, Bending Time: Progress Bars and Other Distractions
44-pixel blocks, The Magic Number Is 44
44-pixel rhythms, Design to a 44-Pixel Rhythm


Aardvark Mobile app, Your Icon Is Your Business Card
accelerometer, Shake, Shake, Shake
accessory apps, What Makes Your App Mobile?
account settings, Settings: A Matter of Preference app, Be a Scroll Skeptic
action sheets, Rule of Thumb, Multiple Choice: Pickers, Lists, and Action Sheets
Action toolbar icon, “So an Icon Goes into a Bar . . .”, Asterisk = Action
activity indicators, Yep, I’m Working on It
Add Noise filter (Photoshop), Keep It Real
affordances, defined, Metaphorically Speaking
Alamofire, First Person: Josh Williams and Gowalla
Albums app, Metaphorically Speaking
calm and reassuring, Remain Calm and Carry On
notifications, designing, Pushy Notifications
when to use, When To Interrupt
animation effects for screen rotation, Making a Complicated Turn
App Cubby, Your Icon Is Your Business Card
App Sketchbook, Storyboarding Your App on Paper
App Store listings, Your Icon Is Your Business Card
design language, Rhyme with Apple’s Design Language
Game Center, Wait, Wait, ...

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