Calling a SOAP web service

This recipe shows how a SOAP-based web service can be called from Talend. We will be using a very simple Talend web service that will return the weather conditions in a given city.

Getting ready...

  1. Open the job jo_cook_ch09_weatherService and run it. You will see the output in the console, the last line of which will be web service [endpoint: http://localhost:8090/services/cookbookWeatherService] published.
  2. This means that the web service is now available to be called by our consumer job.
  3. Now open the job jo_cook_ch09_0060_consumeSOAP.

How to do it...

  1. Drag a tESBConsumer component to the canvas and open it.
  2. Change the WSDL to http://localhost:8090/services/cookbookWeatherService?wsdl.
  3. Tick the box for Populate schema to repository ...

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