Taking the BeagleBone Cookbook recipes beyond BeagleBone Black

Video description

BeagleBone is an inexpensive web server, Linux desktop, and electronics hub that includes all the tools you need to create your own projects—whether it's robotics, gaming, drones, or software-defined radio. This webcast will go over some of the recipes in the BeagleBone Cookbook that go beyond BeagleBone Black for connecting and talking to the physical world with this credit-card-sized computer.In this webcast you will learn:What basic skills will the BeagleBone Cookbook help me develop?What is SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green, what recipes will work and how do I apply them?What is BeagleBoard.org BeagleBone Blue, what recipes will work and how do I apply them?What is BeagleBoard.org BeagleBoard-X15, what recipes will work and how do I apply them?

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Product information

  • Title: Taking the BeagleBone Cookbook recipes beyond BeagleBone Black
  • Author(s): Jason Kridner
  • Release date: January 2016
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491972458