chapter16Paring Down Our Lives

Ellen Schwartz

how less can bemuch more

Our life is frittered away by detail …simplify, simplify.

—H. D. Thoreau

Simplicity isn’t a sacrifice … it’s a gift. Simplicityisn’t a moral achievement or a civic virtue …it’s a gateway into a free country.…

—Mark Burch

Things that matter most must never beat the mercy of things that matter least.



OUR LIVES ARE SO FULL OF THE IMAGES OF THE GOOD LIFE: the big house, the sleek new car, the fabulous annual vacation and frequent weekends away, the feel of new clothes fresh off the rack, the taste of gourmet dishes at trendy new restaurants. What’s not to like about this? Unfortunately, the price tag for such a life is a multidigit income, generally from a corporate ...

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