Chapter 12

Standardization in the Field of Systems and Systems of Systems Engineering 1


12.1. Introduction

This chapter will focus on standardization, in the field of systems and systems of systems engineering; it will study the standards relative to the engineering processes, the products and services, data exchanges, as well as the standards relative to the modeling of business processes.

This brings it within the scope of Chapter 10, “Methods and Tools for Systems of Systems Engineering”. Indeed, the methods and tools in system engineering may be subject to standards. Such is the case, for example, with UML and SysML for the description of systems, or ISO 15288 for the life cycle processes. Moreover, some methods and tools, such as system engineering tool infrastructures, may be compliant or compatible with a set of standards.

This chapter will try to provide as broad a list as possible, while keeping in mind that the standards are so diverse and numerous that such a list could not be exhaustive. The standards are, indeed, in constant evolution. Neighboring standards are harmonized, standards are created from new practices. Some standards, no longer coherent with the state of the art, or replaced by new standards, are declared obsolete.

Currently, such efforts at harmonization are very important within, and between, the various standardizing organizations. This makes it impossible to present a systematic, durable panorama of the standards pertaining to our subject. Moreover, ...

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