Creating a Shell Styles Example

To demonstrate how different style combinations affect the appearance and functionality of a shell, create a modification to your earlier SimpleShell example and pass the Shell constructor a different combination of styles.

How do I do that?

Example 2-3 is similar to the earlier SimpleShell class, modified to specify a window that has a close button, has no min or max button, and is resizable.

Example 2-3. Setting the shell styles

import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;

public class ShellStylesExample {
    ShellStyles( )    {
        Display d = new Display( );
        Shell s = new Shell(d, SWT.CLOSE | SWT.RESIZE);
        s.setSize(300,300); );
        while(!s.isDisposed( )){
            if(!d.readAndDispatch( ))
                d.sleep( );
        d.dispose( );

The only difference between this class and the SimpleShell example is that the second constructor form is used and the style parameter is used to specify the desired window attributes.

Next, modify the Runner program to load up an instance of ShellStylesExample, as demonstrated in Example 2-4 .


Or you can create a Run Configuration for the new class.

Example 2-4. Revised Runner class

public class Runner {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        ShellStylesExample sse = new ShellStylesExample ( );        


This is the last time I will show you how to modify the Runner class. You should have the idea down pat by now.

The result of ShellStylesExample is as shown in Figure 2-3. You see only a close button displayed on the titlebar and ...

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