
Note: Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively.

2-switch f converter topology, 303
3 μF/W rule, 562
10 X rule of thumb, 268
Abs Max (Absolute Maximum) rating, 241, 244, 245
ac current:
defining, 66–68
duty cycle relationship, 70f
understanding, 68–69
ac cycles, low-power applications, 559
ac–dc converters, 233, 239f, 302–304
average current limiting, 358
definition, 2–3
design charts, 714–718
stress reduction, 302–304
ac–dc power supplies:
cross-regulated outputs, 393f
diodes, 250–257
floating buck regulators, 393–394, 393f
front end, 547–596
high-power applications, 559–560
holdup time, 548–573
low-power applications, 548–573
optimum capacitance, 554–555

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