We’d like to hear your suggestions for improving our indexes. Send email to index@oreilly.com.
& (AND) operator, 159
% (mod) operator, 445
3D components, 316–321
changing background, 320
faking transparency, 319
absolute layouts, 3
AbstractBorder class, 14, 50
AbstractListModel class, 60
AbstractTableModel class, 113
getColumnCount( ), 123
getRowCount( ), 123
getValueAt( ), 123
acceptDrop( ), 339
Action class, 65
ActionListener interface, 64, 243, 258
updateProgressBar( ), 471
actionPerformed( ), 45, 65, 98, 100, 151
animated sheet dialog, 237
cursor animation, 445
earthquake dialog component, 201
mini application frame, 210
addAWTEventListener( )
(Toolkit), 448, 489
addDirtyRegion( )
(RepaintManager), 280
addItem( ), 60
addMovieAndStart( ), 374
AffineTransform class, 254, 256
mirror image text, 273
AIFF audio files, playing, 390
alpha levels
fade-in and fade-out
animations, 255, 256
shadow for vector-based button, 312
AlphaComposite class, 222
getInstance( ), 54
AND (&) operator, 159
busy cursor, displaying, 443–446
earthquake dialog, 197–202
frame dissolves, 219–224
glass pane as indefinite progress
indicator, 251–256
JList selections, 87–92
JTree drops, 139–147
mouse animation, 450–454
picture as indefinite progress bar
indicator, 249–251
sheet dialog, 233–239
slide-in window, 241–245
spotlights, 325
transitions between tabs, 32–39
drawing the animation, 35
scheduling animation, 33
venetian blinds effect, 37
Ant, 433
anti-aliased text
global anti-aliased fonts, 278–282
with custom Look and Feel, 285
without code, 283–285
504 | Index
Apple Events, 419
Apple System Properties, 414
AppleScript, 419
applets, playing sound, 359–364
restrictive applet security, 363
Mac OS X, names of, 416
mirroring, 486–492
Aqua Look and Feel, 414
Area, 328
ArrayList class, 60
Arrays class, sort( ), 114
arrow for drop-down menu button, 43
ascent (fonts), 11
controls for JavaSound
playback, 401–407
factory to generate, 402–407
MP3 support, adding to
JMF, 376–378
playing a sound with
JavaSound, 364–368
playing non-trivial with
JavaSound, 386–391
uncompressed PCM files of
arbitrary length, 387–390
uncompressed WAV or AIFF files
of arbitrary length, 390–391
playing sound in an applet, 359–364
playing sound with QTJ, 371–376
playing sounds with JMF, 368–371
showing information while
playing, 392–401
audio format information, 393
level information
calculations, 397–401
waveform displays, 378–386
basic audio term definitions, 379
container, creating, 384
converting raw data to samples
and channels, 380–382
creating single display, 382
loading raw data, 380
running the simulator, 385
AudioClip class, 359–364
playing in an applet, 359–361
supported audio formats, 364
AudioFormat class, 392
AudioInputStream class, 366, 380
AudioSystem class, 366
getAudioInputStream( ), 433
auto-completing text fields, 265–272
AWT, 317
AWTEventListener interface, 448, 486,
Background class, 320
background property (List), 69
BackgroundLoader class (example), 30
default, turning off for TextField, 24
drawing for custom tool tip, 225
image-themed component, 2
label, 4
text area, putting NASA photo
in, 29–32
backward text, writing, 272–275
BasicMenuItemUI class, 53
BasicPopupMenuUI class, 50, 55
big-endian, 392
binding to a port, 425
bit shifting, 160, 382
bitmaps, blurring pixel-by-pixel, 39
blocking a window, 296–299
blocking Load buttons, 464
disabled components, 39–42
spotlight borders, 325
BooleanControl class, 401
BorderLayout class, 189
drawing for custom tool tip, 225
image-based, creating, 14–19
insets, 15
removing from transparent
window, 217
setting for button, 5
shadow border, creating, 50
text components and menu
items, 437
vector-based button, 313
BoxLayout class, 204
brightness of a picture as indefinite
progress indicator, 249–251
brushed metal Look and Feel, 418
BufferedImage class, 15, 40
3D scenes, using in, 320
file icons, 332
getSubimage( ), 233, 239, 244
Index | 505
buffers, rendering to
intermediate, 40–42
buildIndex( ), 100
build.xml file (Ant), 433
building colorful
vector-based, 309–315
creating image-based, 5
custom tool tip, 227
HTML, using, 275
bytes, endianness, 392
bytes2short( ), 160
calendar, custom, 19–22
Canvas3D class, 318
faking transparency, 319
Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock
keys, flashing light
on, 446–449
cell renderers
animated list cells, 91
animating potential drops on
reorderable list, 84
for checkbox list, 69
header cells, table columns, 106
JFileChooser, 154
JList with multiple layouts, 71–76
PolyRenderer class (example), 78–79
table cells, 113
figuring cell size, 103
renderer for colors, 119
tree cell, 144
turning methods into list
renderers, 92–95
ChangeListener interface, 33
channel (audio), 379
checkboxes, 7
making JLists checkable, 66–70
circular shape for indefinite progress
indicator, 253
ClassLoader class, 429
loading image and sound as
resources, 429–431
resources on, 429
running application from JAR
file, 432
client, mirrored application, 487
Clip interface, 366, 386
close boxes, dialog, 229
code models, non-blocking, 465–471
creating List-based
JComboBox, 95–99
creating Map-based
JComboBox, 99–101
Collections class, sort( ), 114
colorizeSelections( ), 90
eyedropper tool, 300–304
list cell foreground and
background, 69
selection panel for drop-down
component, 46–49
system, using, 437
vector-based button, 312
columnAtPoint( ) (JTableHeader), 109
columns, table
adding column selection, 107–109
sizing to suit content, 102–107
com4j package, downloading, 422
combo boxes
JComboBox, 95–101
drop-down menu button, 43–49
color selection panel, 46–49
menus with drop shadows, 49–52
Comparable interface, 114
Comparator class, 113
delegated sorting, 116
resorting based on current
comparator, 114
sorting color values, 119
compare( ), 116
Component class
createImage( ), 349
dispatchEvent( ), 295
Component Object Model (COM), 422
iTunes track information, 423
component references, 490
ComponentAdapter class, 176
ComponentListener interface, 176, 216
componentMoved( ), 177
associating events via component
name, 490
debugging with custom glass
pane, 481–486
disabled, blurring, 39–42

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