Chapter 8, Rendering
#61 Load New Fonts at Runtime
Mac OS X’s font suitcases—a holdover from the Classic Mac
OS—aren’t supported. Your fonts need to be in .ttf files.
FontLoadingDemo, shown in Example 8-8, offers a straightforward applica-
tion of this font-loading technique. It takes the path to a .ttf file as its
command-line argument, creates an
InputStream, and creates a Font. It then
derives a plain, 32-point instance of the font, and uses that to put a sample
JLabel in a JFrame.
Testing Font Loading
All you need to run this demo is a .ttf file of a TrueType font, preferably one
not already installed on your system so you’ll know that the demo works.
There are many free and shareware fonts on the Web; I found the Marriage
Example 8-8. Loading fonts at runtime
public class FontLoadingDemo {
public static void main (String[] args) {
try {
// get font from path in args[0]
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println (
"usage: FontLoadingDemo path-to-ttf");
File f = new File (args[0]);
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream (f);
Font dynamicFont =
Font.createFont (Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, in);
Font dynamicFont32Pt =
dynamicFont.deriveFont (32f);
// draw something with it
JLabel testLabel =
new JLabel ("Dynamically loaded font \"" +
dynamicFont.getName( ) + "\"");
testLabel.setFont (dynamicFont32Pt);
JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Font Loading Demo");
frame.getContentPane( ).add (testLabel);
frame.pack( );
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace( );

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