Multiple Returns

Functions can return more than one value. To do this, Swift uses the tuple data type, which you learned about in Chapter 5. Recall that a tuple is an ordered list of related values. To better understand how to use tuples, you are going to make a function that takes an array of integers and sorts them into arrays for even and odd integers.

Listing 12.10  Sorting evens and odds

func sortEvenOdd(numbers: [Int]) -> (evens: [Int], odds: [Int]) {
    var evens = [Int]()
    var odds = [Int]()
    for number in numbers {
        if number % 2 == 0 {
        } else {
    return (evens, odds)

Here, you first declare a function called sortEvenOdd(_:). You specify this function to take an array of ...

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