Returning from a Function

Functions can give you information after they finish executing the code inside of their implementation. This information is called the return of the function. It is often the case that you write a function to do some work and return you some data. Make your divisionDescription(forNumerator:andDenominator:withPunctuation:) function return an instance of the String type.

Listing 12.8  Returning a string

func divisionDescription(forNumerator num: Double,
                         andDenominator den: Double,
                         withPunctuation punctuation: String = ".") {
    print("\(num) divided by \(den) equals
           \(num / den)\(punctuation)")
divisionDescription(forNumerator: 9.0, andDenominator: 3.0)
divisionDescription(forNumerator: 9.0, andDenominator: ...

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