Adding a SpriteKit overlay

To show the score and a button, we will add it to the 2D SpriteKit layer. To add the overlay, create a class called OverlaySKscene. In the class, add the following:

import SpriteKit

class OverlaySKScene: SKScene {
    let _gameScene: GameSCNScene!
    let myLabel: SKLabelNode!
    var gameOverLabel: SKLabelNode!
    var jumpBtn: SKSpriteNode!
    var playBtn: SKSpriteNode!
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    init(size: CGSize, gameScene: GameSCNScene){

super.init(size: size)

We import SpriteKit as we will have to create a SubClass of SpriteKit. Create global variables of type GameSCNScene, SKLabelNodes, and SpriteNodes. Here, we create two LabelNodes: one for displaying the ...

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