

+ (addition), performing, 21

&& (ampersands), using with logical AND, 261

[ ] (brackets), using with arrays, 37

: (colon), using with arrays, 37

, (comma), using with arrays, 34

/ (division), performing, 21

== (double equal), using in comparisons, 68

! (exclamation) point

explained, 188, 197

using with logical NOT, 260

> (greater-than) symbol, effect of, 69

< (less-than) symbol, effect of, 69

* (multiplication), performing, 21

# (pound) sign, prepending to parameter names, 103

? (question mark), using with Int declarations, 43

(subtraction), performing, 21

... (three periods), using with for-in loop, 5860

_ (underscore), using, 168

| | (vertical bar), using with logical OR, 261


account balances, adding, 8990

account tuple, example ...

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