Test your knowledge

  1. We can add the following type of initializers to a class with extensions:
    1. Convenience initializers.
    2. Designated initializers.
    3. Primary initializers.

  2. We can add the following type of properties to a class with extensions:
    1. Read/write stored type properties.
    2. Primary properties.
    3. Computed instance properties and computed type properties.

  3. Convenience initializers are:
    1. Optional.
    2. Required.
    3. Required only in superclasses.

  4. A convenience initializer acts as:
    1. A required initializer that doesn't need to call any other initializer.
    2. A secondary initializer that doesn't need to call any other initializer.
    3. A secondary initializer that always ends up calling a designated initializer.

  5. If we declare the type for a property as UIPickerView!, Swift will treat ...

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