Declaring subclasses that inherit the conformance to protocols

We have an Animal class that conforms to both the AnimalProtocol and Equatable protocols. Now, we will create a subclass of Animal, a Dog class, which overrides the string computed properties defined in the Animal class to provide the appropriate values for a dog. The code file for the sample is included in the swift_3_oop_chapter_06_03 folder:

    open class Dog: Animal { 
      open override var spelledSound1: String { 
        get { 
          return "Woof" 
      open override var spelledSound2: String { 
        get { 
          return "Wooooof" 
      open override var spelledSound3: String { 
        get { 
          return "Grr" 
      open override var danceCharacters: String { 
        get { 
          return "/-\\ \\-\\ /-/" 

With just a few additional lines of ...

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