A Word about Devices and Style Sheets

Using XSLT, one can create different style sheets for each device that an application targets. XSLT, an XML-based style sheet and processing language, can transform XML into many different formats, such as HTML, WML, SVG (as we'll see later in this chapter), or flat-files. It is possible to use the .NET platform's asp:Xml server control (or different classes in the System.Xml namespace) to target devices. Individuals with little or no programming knowledge can use the control in an ASP.NET page like an HTML tag. Take a look at Example 12-3 for an idea of XML code that uses ASP. This is for information only, and you are not expected to write or actually use this code.

Example 12-3.
 <asp:Xml id="trans" Runat="server" ...

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