2Is Globalization, or Holism, Really a New Phenomenon?

2.1. Some characteristics of the present globalization

Every day, we are discovering how systems are interconnected and inter-related. Some of these connections and interactions are the result of human activity, which created diversification due to imagination, and could integrate innovations in many technological, economic and natural systems, and also created some disequilibria.

According to the structure and complexity embedded into a “whole” system, human beings are still unable to solve, by themselves, the most significant sustainability challenges of our planet. They cannot continue locally reasoning about these challenges since our world is global and interconnected: we are never alone, instead a part of a huge puzzle; apparently, we are autonomous but not independent. Moreover, all around us, everything appears to be increasingly accelerating: all the information we need is everywhere and we cannot do anything without computerization. All the advances require new management and governance approaches, new ways of designing and developing future innovations in highlighting the interactions between people, processes and technologies, thus, the power of each constituent of our environment.

2.2. A brief history of a very old concept: globalization

Seemingly, everybody continuously speaks of crisis, globalization, and this often amounts to justify our inability to overcome difficulties. Many causes of dysfunction are assigned, ...

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