

Aditya Birla Group, India example, 104–118

corporate culture, 106–109

employee training, 112–113

talent management, 109–115

talent shortages, 115–118

Alice S. Marriott Award for Community Service, 77

Aon Consulting, 129

Asian culture, 119. See also corporate culture

brain drain, 126–129

branding and, 168

entrepreneurial culture, 132–134

guanxi (relationships), 129–131

local talent and leadership, developing, 120–126

best practices, 122–125

management lessons needed, 125–126

multicultural training, 121–122

mianzi (face), 133

associates (employees)

commitment to

Aditya Birla Group, India example, 106–109

Marriott Hotels India example, 73–74

retaining, 151–157

Aditya Birla Group, India example, 114–115

Asian entrepreneurial culture, 132–134 ...

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