
Acquired diversity, 58

Approximate cost, 18–19

Austin, Nancy, 101

Berman, Barry, 10, 86

Bitner, Mary Jo, 99

Blanchard, Kenneth, 45

Bly, Robert, 87

Booms, Bernard, 99

California Management Review, 86

Chocolates on the Pillow Aren’t Enough (Tisch, Jonathan), 33

Connellan, Tom, 86

Consumers cognitive activities, 7

Customer delight, 10

Customer retention rate, 9

Customer satisfaction, 10

Customer’s perspective

feedback, 85–90

rapport building, 77–84

Disney World, 62

Donnelly, James, 42

Duncan, Ewan, 74

e-mail, 3

Emotional contagion theory, 46

Employees ability, 49–60

Employees motivation, 41–47

Expertise access, 67–74

Expertise awareness, 61–66

Facebook, 3

Fieri, Guy, 93

Firm innovation, 54

Forms, 25–31

The Fred Factor (Sanborn, Marc), 30, ...

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