

Action steps:

business case development, 207

competitive analysis, 107

customer focus approach, 41

global risk management, 143

internal supply chain assessment, 60

megatrends, 88

new capabilities and project plan, 167

organizational buy-in, 207

supply chain organization and people, 190

technology survey, 123

Advanced planning, technology survey, 117–118

Aging customers, customer focus approach, 33

Assessment of external factors:

competitive analysis, 89–108, 221–223

megatrends, 65–88

Assessment of global risk (see Global risk management)

Assessment of internal supply chain, 43–64

about, 17–18, 43–44

action steps, 60

common supply chain problems, 49–52

company culture, 56–57

compare results against best practices, 49–50

conduct interviews, ...

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